Directions to 830 Oak Street, Suite 201W, Brockton, MA 02301:
From Boston
Take Route 93 South to the "Braintree Split," a fork in the highway. Take the right lane to Route 128.
Follow Route 128 to Route 24 South. (The Route 24 exit will be on your left.)
Take Exit 18B (Route 27, Stoughton).
At the end of the short strip of highway, turn right onto North Pearl Street at the first set of lights. The entrance to Good Samaritan Medical Center is about 100 yards on the right. Drive up to the hospital and take the road around to the left (towards the Emergency Room) and the 830 Oak Street will be ahead, opposite the Emergency Room.
From Northwest of Boston
Take Route 128 South to Route 24.
Take Exit 18B (Route 27, Stoughton) and follow the directions above.
From the South
Take Route 24 North to Exit 18B (Route 27, Stoughton) and follow the directions above.
From the East
Take Route 27 West through Brockton center to Pleasant Street for approximately five miles.
Take a right onto Reynolds Memorial Highway (Route 27) and follow to its end. You'll be at a set of lights. Turn right onto North Pearl Street. The entrance to Good Samaritan Medical Center is about 100 yards on right, and follow the directions above.
From the West
Route 495 East to Route 24 North to Exit 18B (Route 27, Stoughton) and follow directions above.
Transportation by BAT Bus
Take the Route 4 bus from BAT Centre to Westgate Mall. Transfer at mall to the Mini-Maller bus to Good Samaritan.