Depending on your condition, this page offers a variety of educational materials that may help you learn about a condition or discover what questions to ask your physician. Please remember that these materials do not substitute for personal care received from a physician consultation. As always, if you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 or report immediately to the nearest emergency center.
📒 Ablation office information sheet 1.2021doc
📒 Continuous Oral Contraceptive Pill use 1.2021
📒 Dentist information in pregnancy 1.2021
📒 Endometriosis Treatments Landscape 2021
📒 Hormone Replacement Therapy 1.2021
📒 Hyperemesis (nausea and vomiting) of pregnancy 1.2021
📒 Kegel exercises for the bladder 1.2021
📒 Labor & Fetal Movement & Blood pressure instructions 1.2021
📒 Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (AAGL) 2020.pdf
📒 Metoclopramide for breast feeding 1.2021
📒 Obstetric patient information 1.2021
📒 Oral contraceptive pill 1.2021
📒 Pelvic pain questionnaire 1 of 3
📒 Pelvic pain questionnaire 2 of 3
📒 Pelvic pain questionnaire 3 of 3
📒 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 1.2021
📒 Preconception counseling 1.2021
📒 Prenatal Genetic Questionnaire 1.2021
📒 Robotic Laparoscopic Myomectomy (AAGL) 7.2020
📒 Robotic Laparoscopic treatment of Endometriosis (AAGL) 7.2020
📒 Testosterone injection 1.2021
Depending on your treatment, you may be asked to complete one or more of these forms and bring it with you on your next office visit. If you have been asked by a member of the office staff to complete a form(s), please fill the form out completely and legibly. If you have any questions about these forms, please contact the office by phone at: 508-583-4961.
📒 Ablation Office Consent 1.2021
📒 Consent 11.2020 - Caeserean section - Hanjani
📒 Consent 11.2020 - D&E for miscarriage - Hanjani
📒 Consent 11.2020 - General - Hanjani
📒 Consent 11.2020 - Hysteroscopy+D&C - Hanjani
📒 Consent 11.2020 - Laparoscopy - Hanjani
📒 Consent 11.2020 - Robotic Hysterectomy - Hanjani
📒 Consent 11.2020 - Total Abdominal Hysterectomy - Hanjani
📒 Obstetrics Consent Form 2.2021
📒 Office Circumcision Consent 1.2021
📒 Pain medication contract 1.2021
Good Samaritan Medical Center: https://www.goodsamaritanmedical.org
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology: http://www.acog.org/Patients
American College of Surgeons: http://www.facs.org/
DaVinci robotics: http://www.davincisurgery.com/